Fix matchers

The package allows to dynamically change the regular expression easily. This is done by replacing matchers in the regular expression by a given string, using the FileFinder.fix_matcher() method.

Matchers to replace can be selected either by their index in the pre-regex (starting from 0), or by their name, or their group and name following the syntax ‘group:name’. If using a matcher name or group+name, multiple matchers can be fixed to the same value at once.

For instance, when using the following pre-regex:


we can keep only the files corresponding to january using any of:

finder.fix_matcher(0, '01')
finder.fix_matcher('m', '01')
finder.fix_matcher('time:m', '01')

We could also select specific days using a regular expression:

finder.fix_matcher('d', '01|03|05|07')

This would create the following regular expression:
