Retrieve information

As some metadata might only be found in the filenames, FileFinder offer the possibility to retrieve it easily using the FileFinder.get_matches() method. Thus, a filename can be matched against the regex of the finder and returns a list of the matches found.

The package supply the function library.get_date to retrieve a datetime object from those matches:

from xarray_regex.library import get_date
matches = finder.get_matches(filename)
date = get_date(matches)

Combine with Xarray

Retrieving information can be used when opening multiple files with xarray.open_mfdataset().

FileFinder.get_func_process_filename() will turn a function into a suitable callable for the preprocess argument of xarray.open_mfdataset. The function should take an xarray.Dataset, a filename, and a FileFinder, and eventual additional arguments as input, and return an xarray.Dataset. This allows to use the finder and the dataset filename in the pre-processing. This following example show how to add a time dimension using the filename to find the timestamp:

def preprocess(ds, filename, finder):
  matches = finder.get_matches(filename)
  date = library.get_date(matches)

  ds = ds.assign_coords(time=pd.to_datetime([value]))
  return ds

ds = xr.open_mfdataset(finder.get_files(),


The filename path sent to the function is automatically made relative to the finder root directory, so that it can be used directly with FileFinder.get_matches().